1. Place all ingredients (excluding cranberries) in spiral mixer and mix for 5 minutes at low speed then 8 minutes at higher speed until full dough development.
2. Incorporate cranberries and mix until evenly distributed.
3. Allow the dough to rest for 30-45 minutes.
4. Divide dough into 300g pieces and round.
5. Allow dough to rest for 10-15 minutes.
6. Punch hole in center and stretch to large donut shape.
7. Place on parchment-lined tray sprinkled with semolina flour or corn meal.
8. Proof for 1-1.5 hrs at 95°F.
9. Cut to shape after proofing.
10. Bake in deck oven at 425°F for 12-16 minutes with steam. Vent for last 5 mintues of baking.
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