Lemon Pie Cake

Cake Method
  • Put whole eggs in a mixing bowl. Add Tegral Satin CL Creme Cake and mix 1 minute on low and 3 minutes on medium speed with the paddle.
  • Add the oil and the water and mix for 1 minute at low speed. Scrape the bottom and sides of mixing bowl and the paddle. 
  • Mix 3 minutes on low speed. Pipe into a wedge silicon mold and inject dots of 50/50 Deli-Citron and Cremfil Silk. 
  • Bake for approximately 20 minutes in a 356◦F deck oven.

Filling Method
  • Blend Topfil Strawberry, zest, juice and raspberry puree and heat to 86°F.
  • Add the soaked gelatin and mix to a smooth texture. 
  • Spread over one sheet of crème cake.

Decoration Method
  • Make Italian meringue, pipe peaks, color with the blow torch and add peaks of lemon filling and crumble.

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