1. Combine all ingredients (EXCEPT Sunset Glaze and Teg Satin Crème Cake) in spiral mixer and mix for 3 minutes at low speed followed by 8 minutes at higher speed.
2. Allow dough to rest for 10 minutes
3. Divide into 500g pieces and round.
4. Rest again for 10 minutes.
5. Roll pieces out to rectangle shape.
6. Spread cinnamon smear onto dough. Roll into log.
7. Cut in half long-ways and turn dough so exposed filling is on top.
8. Braid two pieces toghetre with the filling side still exposed at the top.
9. Place braid in greased loaf pan. Proof for 1hr at 100°F and 85% humidity.
10. Spray with Sunset Glaze. Top with struesel.
11. Bake at 375°F for 20-25 minutes.
12. De-pan immediately out of the oven!
About this recipe:
Complexity level:
Tips & Tricks: For best struesel results, use Puratos Teg Satin Crème Cake mixed with butter
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